Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Holy sh-t, was that a pain in the @$$

First of all, a note on swearing:  I was trying to set up the Google AdSense program for this site to get some revenue going from the hits that I'd bring in, and there's a few problems with that.  One, Google doesn't like associating its products with swearing.  You can get Google to help you locate virtually every porn site in the world, but if you swear on a blog?  Well, you're outta luck, buddy.  What people's problem with swearing is, is beyond me.  F-ck 'em.  I've gotta keep the blog edited in order to maintain the AdSense, but even that seems absurd, as the program pays fractions of a cent per hit.  Stupid Google.

Anyway, yesterday I had a fun experience: someone tattled on me over at the Examiner for forgetting to put labels on the pictures I was using for my articles-- I knew I oughtta be doing this, but, frankly, it just kept slipping my mind...over 100 times-- and the site contacted me about it.  I was told I needed to go through and make some attributions on every one of these articles for the pictures I'd used or the pictures would be "deleted" in 48 hours.  Essentially, the articles would have no "visual aids", and that'd be a b-tch, because alot of the articles I run directly relate to the picture (some are even ABOUT the picture that's on the page). 

So, I spent about an hour driving myself crazy trying to track down the sources for some of the pictures.  Eventually, common sense took hold and I realized that there was no feasible way to continue what I was doing and finish in a reasonable amount of time: that project woulda taken well over a week at the rate I was going.

And thus, over 100 articles got deleted yesterday.  To be sure, it was actually closer to 200 articles.  My reasoning was this: how many people are reading my "Office" reviews or "Jon and Kate" news from a month ago?  Are those articles really pulling in enough revenue (I get paid by the page view) for me to spend the time fixing their photo issues?  Not so much.  At first, I tried to go through them one by one and delete only some of them, but even that was taking too long.  So, we had a major house cleaning yesterday at the Comedy Examiner's Office.  Went from 233 articles to 54 in the space of an hour. 

Sucks, but what're you gonna do?

Another note: the whole point of setting up this site was to diversify, to post some articles that I couldn't publish over at the Examiner and still draw a portion of the crowd I've got over to this site to continue earning fans and making money.  But that AdSense program makes that idea one big-ass joke, because after 500 hits on this site, we're still hovering around $.40.  That's absurd: I'd make more by printing up every article and selling them on the street. 

I'm going to keep this site up and running, because at some point the Examiner may get tired of my shenanigans and this'll be a comfortable place to fall back into.  But for the time being, it's simply not worth dividing my attention equally towards.  As such, you'll wanna head over to the Examiner for the majority of my articles.  Sorry, folks!  We've close America's favorite family fun park, etc.

Not much more to say on this, but stay tuned.  I'm sure something interesting will come along soon...

Scott W

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