Thursday, October 1, 2009

Examiner Article: "The Jay Leno Show"-- are the ratings set for a turnaround?

"The Jay Leno Show" has experienced several rough weeks: the ratings have gone up and down (mostly down), the critics haven't been kind, and NBC made a public display of mentioning that they didn't really care how funny the show was as long as it made money. But this week, Leno's show showed some signs of life. Is it headed for an upward trend? The Comedy Examiner, uh, examines. Read on, gentle Examiner readers...

"The Jay Leno Show" has been a punching bag for snarky internet writers, TV critics, and comedy fans (not to mention fans of Letterman and Conan) since it went live several weeks ago. The main criticism-- that the show just isn't that funny-- has been generally agreed upon as the reason the ratings have continued to slide. Things have not been looking good for Jay's new show.

But just this week, CBS pushed a new show in its second week, "The Forgotten", opposite Jay's show with every expectation of kicking Leno's chin all the way out into the parking lot. "The Forgotten" is the latest offering from producer Jerry Bruckheimer ("CSI", "Without a Trace") and stars Christian Slater as some guy who does some stuff while action goes on around him. It's one of those shows. There's a bajillion of them on TV right now.

Anyway, here are the ratings as reported on AICN. The numbers in parenthesis are last week's numbers:

4.6 (4.8) NCIS
4.1 (4.4) NCIS Los Angeles
3.6 (3.1) The Biggest Loser
3.1 (3.1) The Good Wife
3.1 (3.2) Hell’s Kitchen
2.6 (3.5) Dancing With The Stars
2.4 (----) So You Think You Can Dance
2.3 (2.5) The Jay Leno Show
2.0 (2.6) The Forgotten
1.5 (----) Shark Tank
1.2 (1.0) 90210
0.8 (0.8) Melrose Place

As you can see, while "The Jay Leno Show" continued its ratings drop, it still kicked the p-ss out of "The Forgotten" (those numbers do, in fact, translate to a p-ss-kicking, trust me), which dropped a massive .6 from the week before. Additionally, it was edged out just barely, numbers-wise, by the season premiere of "So You Think You Can Dance", a show that also expected to do much higher numbers this week (by the way, did you hear the controversy about the whole "Vagina-gate" thing on SYTYCD? Pretty classy, FOX, considering the show isn't even live).

Whatta you think, folks? Can Jay turn this sinking ship around? Generally, sinking ships aren't "turned around", but rather saved from sinking. So, perhaps we should ask: Can Jay stop the ship from sinking any more than it already has? Are you still onboard with his show? A Comedy Examiner poll from last week showed that about 65% of viewers (770 votes and counting) think the show isn't funny, which-- again-- is believed to be the reason the show's suffered in the ratings so far. So, my gentle Examiner readers: are you encouraged by this news? Does Christian Slater deserve a good ass-beating? Sound off in the comments section below, people.

And, while you're here, check out some of these other recent articles from the Comedy Examiner:

"Is the White House really afraid of witchcraft?"-- the answer may surprise you, "Harry Potter" fans.

"Submit your questions for Larry King to ask d-uchebag Jon Gosselin here!"-- in which you can submit questions for Larry King to ask Jon Gosselin when he meets him tomorrow night. Seriously.

"Top 4 Funniest Things in the new "Twilight" Poster"-- the Comedy Examiner goes to work on the latest poster for the newest "Twilight" film. Exciting, I know. Gimme a break, guys: slow news day.

"Obama White House and Saturday Night Live: what's the connection?"-- you can find out by clicking the link, slappy.

"Ready for more "Fockers"? No? Too bad, you're getting it, anyway"-- in which we get some news regardin the latest entry in the "Fockers" series. I weep for the future.

"Hell's Kitchen" star Gordon Ramsay's new show is...animated?"-- yeah, you heard me right. Check out this weird ass picture we have of Gordon in puppet form. Creeeeepy.

"The Jay Leno Show" gets sexy with Bill Maher-- wait, what?!"-- in which Bill Maher drops by and makes with the sexy-time on Jay's show. It's as weird as it sounds.

"The Comedy Examiner's Guide to The State Fair of TX (part 3): The Rides & Midway"-- in which we examine what sorts of rides and games are being offered at the Fair this year. Terrifying.

"BOMBSHELL: Faced with losing funding for his Ed Hardy shirts, Jon Gosselin postpones divorce"-- Just click the damn link and read about the dirtbag.

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