Thursday, October 1, 2009

Examiner Article: What's the White House/Harry Potter connection?

This is just ridiculous. But also pretty hilarious. Then, when you think about it for long enough, it goes from hilarious to scary. Further thinking will cause it to become absurd, then sad, and, finally, you'll just shrug your shoulders and say, "At least that idiot's gone". Yes, the Bush White House feared the promotion of witchcraft in the Harry Potter books. I swear I am not making this up. Don't believe me? Read on, gentle Examiner readers...

Listen, frequent readers of the Comedy Examiner's article may have picked up on the none-too-original idea that the Comedy Examiner was no fan of President Bush. Rather than get into a long dissertation on why this guy was such a clown, I instead present the following information:

The Bush White House had staffers that believed J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" books encouraged witchcraft.

Take a minute to let that thought sink in. The leader of the free world had staffers that thought that a series of kid's books about a nerdy wizard with a wand and some magic potions was dangerous in real life because they encouraged children to get involved in witchcraft. You simply cannot make things like this up; it sounds like a rejected "Saturday Night Live" sketch. Let's look at this a little more closely:

Over at Think Progress, they're running this article. In the article, they point out a few hilarious anecdotes from the forthcoming book "Speechless: Tales of a White House Survivor" by former Bush speech writer Matt Latimer. In this particular excerpt, the Bush administration had been considering author J.K. Rowling for a Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work on the "Harry Potter" series. What that has to do with freedom is anyone's guess, but I suppose they were just looking to bring a little star power to the medal-awarding ceremony that year. In the book, there's this passage:

This was the same sort of narrow thinking that led people in the White House to actually object to giving the author J.K. Rowling a presidential medal because the Harry Potter books encouraged withcraft.

Yep, that's easily the most ridiculous thing I've seen all day, and remember that in the past few days I've seen pictures of Mel Gibson wearing a beaver on his hand, a dude slamming into an automatic door because he can't figure out how to operate it, and the new "Twilight" poster. My life is filled with ridiculous encounters, and this one takes the cake for "Most Absurd of The Week"-- a high honor, to be sure.

Whatta you think about all this, Examiner readers? Is it funny, or is it scary? Is it both, like "Scream"? Or are we both wrong and it's just sad? Sound off with a comment in the comments section below. I'd love to hear what you think about this nonsense.

And, with that, another slow-news-day article has had its way with you. My suggestion? Keep the party going by checking out these other recent articles from the Comedy Examiner. They're of varying entertainment value, but they're free, so who are you to complain? And, if you like what you're seeing, join the millions of others who have already hit the "Subscribe" button up top. You'll get every Comedy Examiner article sent straight to your email as soon as they're published, free of charge, and believe us: they're a great way to brighten up an otherwise boring day at work. You can't play Solitaire forever, folks. Check some of these recent articles out, or else:

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