Thursday, October 1, 2009

What the hell is wrong with Japan?

Is it racist to say that Japan puts some bizarre, unsettling, creepy, and horrifying things on their TV networks in the name of entertainment? Is that racist? Should I not have done that? I'll let you be the judge. Take a gander at this bizarre video straight offa Japan's airwaves...and into our hearts (cue romantic music). Read on, gentle Examiner readers...

I have seen some of the most bizarre things I've ever seen in my life in online clips from Japanese TV shows. They have gameshows where dudes have to wear diapers and clench coconuts between their butt cheeks while running on a treadmill cranked up to 30 miles per hour all to win 1,000 yen, which roughly translates to...yes, I think it's $1 million (US) these days. I could be a little off on that.

Generally, I ignore this sort of thing, but today-- by way of Warming Glow, the awesome TV snark site-- I came across this little gem. Something tells me I'm not going to be getting alot of sleep tonight. And, as such, I thought I'd share my nightmare with you:

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with Japanese TV shows? Do they look at some of the stuff we're doing and feel their sanity slipping away as we do when we gaze upon their televised horrors? Surely there's nothing on American television that's this creepy, right?

I see your point, Japan. Although, I hear "Super Happy Trenchcoat Cowboy Man Adventures" is set to be a big hit when it debuts over there in a couple of months. Have fun with it, Japan. We already had out turn.
And, with that, another slow-news-day article has had its way with you. My suggestion? Keep the party going by checking out these other recent articles from the Comedy Examiner. They're of varying entertainment value, but they're free, so who are you to complain? And, if you like what you're seeing, join the millions of others who have already hit the "Subscribe" button up top. You'll get every Comedy Examiner article sent straight to your email as soon as they're published, free of charge, and believe us: they're a great way to brighten up an otherwise boring day at work. You can't play Solitaire forever, folks. Check some of these recent articles out, or else:

"Submit your snarky questions for Jon Gosselin's "Larry King Live" appearance here!"-- that's right, America's Favorite D0uche is going to be on "Larry King": don't ya wanna ask him a thing or two? Do it here.

"Top 4 Funniest Things in the new "Twilight" Poster"-- the Comedy Examiner goes to work on the latest poster for the newest "Twilight" film. Exciting, I know. Gimme a break, guys: slow news day.

"Obama White House and Saturday Night Live: what's the connection?"-- you can find out by clicking the link, slappy.

"Ready for more "Fockers"? No? Too bad, you're getting it, anyway"-- in which we get some news regardin the latest entry in the "Fockers" series. I weep for the future.

"Hell's Kitchen" star Gordon Ramsay's new show is...animated?"-- yeah, you heard me right. Check out this weird ass picture we have of Gordon in puppet form. Creeeeepy.

"The Jay Leno Show" gets sexy with Bill Maher-- wait, what?!"-- in which Bill Maher drops by and makes with the sexy-time on Jay's show. It's as weird as it sounds.

"The Comedy Examiner's Guide to The State Fair of TX (part 3): The Rides & Midway"-- in which we examine what sorts of rides and games are being offered at the Fair this year. Terrifying.

"BOMBSHELL: Faced with losing funding for his Ed Hardy shirts, Jon Gosselin postpones divorce"-- Just click the damn link and read about the dirtbag.

"Pictures of Mel Gibson with a beaver on his hand, screaming. Seriously."-- in which we...oh, ya know what? Just click the damn link. This picture is priceless.

"Funny Video of The Day #2.5: When Celebrities Attack, Awkwardly"-- in which Wolverine and James Bond get all medievel on some rube with a cellphone.

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