Friday, October 2, 2009

Attempted Letterman blackmailer a total D-bag, gets owned by Dave

"The Late Show" host David Letterman sounds like he's had a rough week: he just finished delivering some d-uchebag that was trying to blackmail him to the cops.  Letterman talked openly about the situation on his show Thursday night, and here's what he had to say.  Read on, gentle Examiner readers...

This guy that was trying to blackmail David Letterman doesn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer.  What Would Tyler Durden Do?, the entertainment gossip and snarky commentary site, is running a story that claims the blackmailer (if that's a real word; until this coffee kicks in, I remain unsure) is/was the ex-boyfriend of one of Letterman's staffers, whom he was sleeping with.

You mean to tell me that one of the most powerful men in the comedy entertainment world was getting laid?  By someone that he worked with?  Why, that's just shocking.  Apparently, anyone who'd be surprised by this is unfamiliar with how the entertainment industry works: if you are being watched by millions of other people, you're probably gonna get laid.  Hell, if you're being watched by dozens of people, you're probably gonna get laid.  Like athletes or movie stars, late night talk show hosts also get action because they are famous.  That this was going on with someone that worked for Dave just seems even more obvious.  If ya had to guess where Dave meets women, would your first guess be "at a nightclub"?

Anyway, the guy tried to extort $2m from Dave, only to be ensnared by a very clever and complicated plot by Dave and his lawyer: they wrote him a fake check and called the cops.  That's straight gangsta of you, Dave.  Frankly, this writer is happy for Dave having beaten this guy at his own game.  If it's true that this dude is the ex-boyfriend of one of the women Dave was sleeping with, his motive beyond money is obvious here: immature jealousy.  Where did it get him?  Owned.

What's even better is, Dave wrapped up "The Case of the Blackmailing D-uchebag" and then turned right around and talked about it on the air, effectively outing himself of the "crimes".  Here's Dave talking about it on "The Late Show" last night (and, by the way, sorry about the size on this video file; it's covering up vital parts of that Jenna Fischer picture, I know):

As the years go by, this writer just has more and more respect for Letterman as an entertainer and a person.  He always seem to handle these sorts of "off the air" storms with alot of dignity, and he's never afraid to confront his issues on the air.  More power to ya, Dave. I hope the dude-- who, in what has to be the most bizarre part of this entire situation, was threatening not only to tell people what Dave was up to but also to "write a screenplay" about it (Bwahahaha! Don't you know that Hollywood only makes remakes of bad TV shows these days, blackmailer?  All together now: Haha, blackmailer, you suck)-- ends up behind bars for quite some time.  God, talk about a plan backfiring.  That guy must be loving that New York City jail right about now.  What awesome pwnage.

Whatta you think, NGFH readers?  Did Dave do the right thing?  Should he have given over the money, kicked the guy's ass, or was he right to go to the cops?  What should happen to the dude that tried to blackmail Dave?  And, if it's important to you, was Dave wrong to be knockin' boots with his staff members?  Sound off below, we wanna hear what you have to say.

By the way, you may have found this page through the Examiner, where I write as their "Comedy Examiner".  Obviously, we're running some of the same articles over here (same author, after all), but you can find all of the Examiner articles I've written by following this link.  Those articles are gonna be a little more news-oriented than the stuff that I plan on running here, so you can decide which site is providing the sort of writing you're more into.

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