Friday, October 2, 2009

Inside the Home Office of Comedy Examiner/NiceGuyForHire writer Scott W.

I thought some of you might want a look at my "home office".  This is where I sit and pound mug after mug of coffee and ingest enough horse tranquilizers to make reporting on ridiculous crap like "Jon and Kate + 8" for the Examiner bearable.

As you can see, I've covered the walls with all manner of wacky shenanigans to look at when I'm stuck on a punchline or something worth saying.  On the left hand side, you can just make out the edge of my "Zombies" poster, which helpfully lists what sort of zombies you can expect to encounter once the Zombie Apocalypse starts (this month: British Zombie; I haven't bothered reading how to tell them apart from the other zombies, but I'm guessing that you don't start with the quality of their teeth).  Next to that's a pair of handcuffs ("That's for...that's for something else"), a fake set of Wolverine claws made of actual steel and a set of brass knuckles (a gift from Dr. David Hansen); on the right hand side, you can make out a bunch of fliers from all the shows I've performed on, plus some random other pictures.  Dead center's my 20" monitor and formerly infected computer.  It's interesting to note that the rest of the walls in my place are bare: I put everything worth looking at around the computer.  The idea was to inspire creativity.  I'll let you judge as to whether or not that worked.

Anyway, this is the environment that I'm pumping this crap out from.  That might explain a thing or two.  Really, I just wanted to try out my iPhone's photo-taking abilities, as I realized I'd never bothered to use it to get pics of something to add to an article.  This was just where I was sitting when the idea came to me.  Be thankful it didn't occur to me while in the john.

While you're here, make sure to check out some of the past NGFH articles, helpfully located directly below this one or catalogued on the right-hand side of the page.  You can also head over to the Examiner and check out some of the 200 articles that I have over there.  Current article's about Jon Gosselin's appearance on "Larry King Live"; there was a fierce debate about all that raging in the comments section of the article, so I added a poll where you can vote for Jon Gosselin being the d-uchebag that he is.  Check it all out, folks.


  1. Is "my office" an euphemism for "my Mom's basement"?


  2. Cynthia,

    No, that's my place. My mother and I don't speak anymore, and as far as I know, she has no basement. But I suppose anything's possible; maybe she built one since the last time I spoke to her. That's my palatial office, in all its glory. Yeah, it looks distracting on the walls, but that's the point. As I mentioned in my article, it's important to have something to look at when I'm stumped for a line or word.

