Friday, October 2, 2009

Jerry Seinfeld: "What is the deal with these celebrities not wearing underwear? Do they think we won't look?"

Jerry Seinfeld didn't actually say that, but whenever you say the phrase "What is the deal with...", you're kind of obligated to say it in Jerry's voice.  For example, "What is the deal with Kramer being a slave owner?" or "What is the deal with Costanza doing KFC commercials even though he's getting residual checks from my show?" or "What is the deal with Julia Louis Dreyfus being hot all of a sudden?"

You know, like that.

NiceGuyForHire wants to bring you all the entertainment bullsh-t that it can, delivered in as snarky a manner as possible, and as such we believe that every time a celebrity forgets to wear underwear...we will be there.  Kinda like "The Sun", only much, much more sleazy.  Obviously, this content won't be for anyone, but for those of us that find it funny that celebrities could be this dense, it should make for a good read every now and then.

And so it is that we bring you the first entry of this type, as Rihanna, the Tina Turner to Chris Brown's Ike (oh, gimme a break: she lost my sympathy the moment she ignored the judge's restraining order and kept seeing the dude; whether or not that's still going on is up for debate, but that fact that she continued to date this dude after he whooped up on her before the Grammy's isn't), went strolling around out on the town minus an important article of clothing.

Because this isn't for titillation purposes, we're not gonna blow up the photo into extreme closeup.  If you want that, there's plenty of other sites that can do it for you.  Not to mention, if you're just really desperate to see a naked lady, there are more focused ways of going about this online, people.  The point here is stupidity, and there it is, in all its glory.

If I ever get really famous, I'm gonna make sure I always have my boxers on, especially when I'm wearing a see-through skirt.  Those camera flashes go right through my favorite outfits, so I'm gonna have to remember to be careful.  Although, maybe it wouldn't hurt to show off a little "neck" from time to time.

Whatta ya'll think?  Stupid, or is this an invasion of privacy?  You be the judge!  Now that we've established that this is the sort of thing that NiceGuyForHire will run, we can only hope that Steve Buscemi or Whoopi Goldberg forget "they draws" sometime soon.

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