Thursday, October 1, 2009

The first real entry on NiceGuyForHire: welcome!

Well, there's been some technical problems getting the site set up so far.  I'm trying to get some ads up on this bitch-- the better to collect on those page views, my dear (Joker: "If you're good at something, never do it for free")-- and, for whatever reason, the program that I'm using is being enormously stubborn about the whole thing.

This is, essentially, the first real posting on NiceGuyForHire.  I've wrestled with the idea for a first article on here, and after several hours of deliberation I've decided that may be best is an explanation-- a further explanation-- as to why I've decided to set up this second site.  The Examiner's my present home base, but I'd like to think that I can divert at least some of the traffic over here.  The problem, of course, is that the Examiner may believe I'm trying to steal readers away from them; couldn't be further from the truth.

In point of fact, I may be doing them a favor.  In the last few weeks, I've noticed the following: people are fucking douche bags.  I've written close to 200 articles for the Examiner, covering just about everything that's got a relation to comedy (and a few things I had to pound like square pegs into a round hole to get them to fall under that mandated subject's title), and the little counter that reports my page views to me tells me that I've racked up over 90,000 hits in the past couple months. 

To be sure, this is something I'm proud of.  But what troubles me is this: I've already gotten a few complaints from the Examiner about people that haven't taken too kindly to my writing style over there.  The usual complaint is that the articles are too opinionated (the second most popular complaint being "You are stupid"), which is just a fancy way of saying some douche-nozzles didn't agree with something I said.  The thing is, even though we're talking about maybe 25 out of 90,000, I'm concerned the Examiner may get concerned about their readership and pull the plug on my columns.  A few bad apples, and all that.

So, my plan is to put my more opinionated stuff here.  You know, the stuff that deals with politics or religion or contains more adult subject matter.  This isn't a site designed to be read by, say, family-friendly people.  At least, I'd rather it not be.  I'm of the opinion that all those page views I've accumulated had to come from somewhere, and they wouldn't keep coming in if people were turned off by my writing style.  In other words: there's an audience for what I'm putting out there, so let's get those folks reading this site and leave the more prudish folks back over at the Examiner.

Very soon, I'm going to begin linking to this site from my Examiner articles.  If that's how you found this site, I hope you're one of the people that doesn't mind a little profanity and editorializin' in your reading.  And, if you like the stuff that you're reading here, by all means pass links along to your friends.  I'd also like to take on material from other writers, readers, whomever that may have something they'd like to say.  If you've got an idea for an article you'd like to write, hammer it out.  If it's funny and written at even an average skill level, chances are I'll throw it up here.  I'd like to build this site into something worth people visiting, and I'm willing to look at any ways I could go about doing that. 

In the meantime, I gotta write up a few things for the Examiner.  That's when we'll start linking back here.  I also need to re-edit some of my articles to drive some traffic over this way.  Who knows: this whole thing could die right off the bat.  But, again, I'd like to think that 90,000 is indicative of some amount of success in reaching people.  If you're one of 'em, we're happy to have you here.

More to come

Scott Wampler

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