Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tonight on "Larry King Live": Jon Gosselin, Dumbass

 The following is one of the recent articles I ran over at the Examiner.  NiceGuyForHire is going to be publishing some of the articles that I run over there in addition to original material.  If you found this site through a link on the Examiner, feel free to scan down to one of the NGFH exclusive articles.  If not, read on...


Oh, what a twisted web we weave: Jon Gosselin was on "Larry King Live" tonight, and one of the biggest topics up for discussion was Jon's assertion that his kids were being more messed up than they already are by the continuing filming of "Jon and Kate + 8" (which, coincidentally, Jon was announced as being not so much a part of anymore by TLC).  Then Larry tossed to some footage that left Jon looking like a fool.  Read on, gentle Examiner readers...

Jon Gosselin is really just grasping at straws at this point.  Earlier in the week, TLC-- who's just about fed up with Jon's nonsense (there's even some reports going around that they're suing his dumb ass)-- announced that the show would henceforth be known as "Kate + 8" and that Jon wouldn't be on the show all that much anymore.

This was followed by a sort-of rebuttal from Jon's camp (read: lawyer), who said that Jon wanted to "postpone" the ongoing/forthcoming divorce in order to "get control" of his family back.  Oh, and he also wanted all the production on the show to, y'know, stop.  What a coincidence, that Jon should start expressing these opinions the moment TLC decided they didn't want him to be a part of the show anymore.  Or, for that matter, collect his $75,000/per episode paycheck.  Surely, these things were unrelated.

Well, Larry King had Jon on this evening, and one of the highlights of the show was Larry showing a clip of Jon defending the filming of the show in reference to the kids.  That would, of course, be the very same children that Jon now believes are being "exploited" by the show.  You smell that, my gentle Examiner readers?  That's the sweet, sweet tanginess of irony (yes, irony is tangy and sweet, like a Starburst, only funnier).

Radar Online has the clip (they wouldn't let me embed it; damn you, Radar!), so head on over there and check that out if you want a big, heaping spoonful of schadenfraude.  Jon's really dug himself a hole on this one.  You're probably wondering (if you're not over at Radar watching the video for yourself) what Jon had to say in response to this video, which would seem to blow about 8 different holes in his argument against TLC continuing filming without him.  Be sure to check out the look on his face while the video's running for bonus snark.

Sayeth the D-uche:
"I'm sorry I said that.  I do make mistakes, as well...if I woulda said opposite of that, that TLC was exploiting the kids, I woulda been in breach of contract."
Here's the thing, though: TLC's contract-- which Jon is clearly very concerned about, as it was important enough for him to make the everyday mistake of allowing his children to be exploited-- also had a clause in it that limited either of the Gosselins from engaging in "unbecoming conduct" (my words, not theirs; I forget their precise terminology at the moment, but same thing).  For someone that was so concerned about TLC's contract, Jon sure didn't have a problem shacking up with one bar skank after another before his marriage was officially dissolved.  Or nailing showgirls out in Vegas (as well as, reportedly, "hitting the white slopes" with the showgirl and a second girl while engaging in "boning").  This has gotta be the most hilariously transparent, bullsh-t attempt at a defense/explanation the Comedy Examiner's Office has ever seen.

So, whatta you tihnk, Examiner readers?  Get to sounding off below, we wanna hear what you thought about Jon's performance on "Larry" last night.  Oh, and while I've got your ear:  the Comedy Examiner has a new website! If you like the Comedy Examiner's articles but just wish they were a little more adult-oriented, a little more snarky, and could cover stuff other than snarky pop culture and comedy, then you are cordially invited over to NiceGuyForHire, the Comedy Examiner's newest site.  It's still a work in progress-- we have alot of cool features planned-- but you can still stop by, leave a comment, and check out some of the articles that aren't running here over there.  Give it a shot! (Note: You're already here)

And stay tuned: there's more Comedy Examiner news coming to you momentarily!

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